The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has announced its arrival in El Volantn, a small town in Jalisco near Lake Chapala, and it doesn't plan on leaving any time soon. You cds cheerleaders are the funniest in the blog, 12:16 hey fan-girl just to let u know the only way for cjng to enter Zac was by asking CDG for help so with that being said mencha didn't enter the state the were LET IN, CDN doesnt exist anymore in Saca Tuercas. There is a reason Durango is as calm as it is. El CJNG y sus territorios en Mxico. Mundo. En las imgenes se muestran la manera en la que terminaron los contras del CJNG, ya que fueron desmembrados y sus restos apilados, sin embargo, eso no fue suficiente para los hombres bajo el mando de 'El Mencho', ya que a las cabezas de los sicarios del CDS . His nephew El Fresa also is someone who Mencho trust a lot that not many know of, Jalisco cartel is the winner of the cartels and even they are losing. When people cry about narco videos(apparently this one went viral)this is why they should be shown.MAYBE something may be done,because it has embarrased Mexico to an extent?Dont hold your breadth though.Mexico has the means to curb any of these cartels they dont need help go figure why they dont. Please read the layout guide and lead section guidelines to ensure the section will still be inclusive of all essential details. The Mexican city of Guadalajara was under siege for at least 10 hours Tuesday night as a shootout between alleged members of the ruthless Jalisco New Generation Cartel and official forces took over the streets. The Mexican marinas would love to have it out with these clowns and their circus grade "armored" tanks. "Me parece que a pesar de sus graves errores del pasado, los partidos son tiles y necesarios, indispensables para lograr un triunfo opositor en las, "Hoy las posibilidades de que haya charcos estn ms en que el presidente y los lderes de Morena rieguen el tepache a que lluevan algunas. CJNG. violence. El "Doble R" fue vinculado con el homicidio del entonces secretario de Turismo de Jalisco, Jos de Jess Gallegos lvarez ocurrido en marzo de 2013.El narco opera bajo las rdenes del hijastro de Oseguera Cervantes, Juan Carlos Valencia alias "El 03", quien presuntamente cre las clulas lite del CJNG para pelar en contra de los crteles de Santa Rosa de Lima, Los Viagras y La . Nacional. Jurado investigador acusa a seis personas de participar en esquema de contrabando de armas del Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. No matter how careful mencho is eventually the American CIA will locate anx eliminate him. Vehicles! Los Alegres Del Barranco also made a song for him. You shouldnt even have said what you said . Cds has been getting their ass kicked ever since mencho ene against that cartel. A real gangster? 006 got bitch slapped by Menchos daughter. Y seal que trabaja de manera conjunta con la Administracin para el Control de Drogas (DEA) y la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF) de Mxico. El seor de los cocks es un master en el arte de la guerra, The U.S CREADED the MEXICAN CARTELS and they could DISMANTLE them if they REALLY wanted TOO, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo no reconocido de Oseguera Cervantes. WASHINGTON Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned eight Mexican companies linked to timeshare fraud on behalf of the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG). This follows many actions we have taken against CJNG actors in Puerto Vallarta who have abused the local tourism industry. Hes a clown. Images shared on Twitter showed at least one bus burning and several armed men carjacking people at stop lights. VIDEO muestra a diez sometidos por un grupo armado, opositor de Crtel de Sinaloa . We have a NSA consultant tatgeting their communications .We have an elite team in Michiocan and in Jalisco looking for El Mencho 24x7 . Segn la acusacin del gobierno mexicano, El 03 cre dos grupos de lite, El RR y El Grupo Delta, para disputarse el territorio con el Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima (Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Quertaro), Los Viagras (Michoacn) y La Familia Michoacana. Does this mean that cjng could be more powerful then the mexican gov, Nope,the minute they turn on them theyll take them out,Chapo bought the government and in the end they turned him over to the gringos.Dont think the same wont happen to Mencho unless he gets surrounded and he tries to run through the rooftops and gets gunned down like a dog but of course his fanboys are gonna say he went out shooting. Can't wait for that. Monday, the head of the Sedena, Luis Crescencio Sandoval, pointed out that the two videos broadcast are authentic and that it is about 02.03.2023 EU sanciona a 8 inmobiliarias mexicanas vinculadas al CJNG . 2023/03/02 12:21 PM. La Garra est considerado uno de los dos cabecillas que podran colocarse al frente de la organizacin criminalen caso de que Nemesio Oseguera El Mencho fuera abatido o detenido por las autoridades. Two recent cartel videos are from an elite group of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). . March 2, 2023. (June 2022) Durango 100% Cabrera and where marranos come to die. The head of the Sedena assured He has to hide like a rat, cant even step in his hometown (Michoacan).He's nothing without PRIs blessing. El total de compaas sancionadas se definen como empresas de servicios financieros o inmobiliarias con sede en Jalisco, un bastin estratgico del CJNG para el narcotrfico y otras actividades ilcitas por las que la OFAC ha tomado medidas contra personas vinculadas a clubes nocturnos, bares y restaurantes, segn el Tesoro. No Mencho has way less men and a huge chunk of the money they make goes to bribes so they can operate smoothly for the most part. Rising from the ashes of the once powerful Milenio Cartel, CJNG is the epitome of a 'modern' TCO, swiftly and violently rising to become one of the most powerful . He was also identified as the alleged link between the CJNG and federal, state, and municipal authorities, Not the smartest individuals whatsoever. Likewise, criminal cells associated with the Sinaloa Cartel have clashed with the CJNG in Zacatecas. . cell phone, were conversations that had transpired on WhatsApp, which revealed Too funny. Juan Carlos Gonzlez estara disputndose el mximo puesto de la organizacin con Jos Luis Mendoza Crdenas, alias La Garra,responsable de los manejos del CJNG en Estados Unidos. (The bloody scene left by the settling of scores between "El Marro" and "El Mencho"). a former prosecutor from Jalisco and at that time the Secretary of State Labor, He was raised in SF. Con dos de sus hijos en prisiones estadounidenses, las autoridades apuntan que El Mencho podra estar preparando a El 03 como su prximo sucesor. Mexicos president, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, said the attacks began after several cartel members were meeting when the Mexican military arrived to make several apprehensions.. Las ocho son sancionadas por ser propiedad, estar controladas o dirigidas por el CJNG o bien por haber actuado en nombre de este grupo, . Chapo was a real gangster. In 2019 the group also as belonging to the "Elite Group" of the CJNG, according to state The attacks happened simultaneously in the two states of Jalisco and Guanajuato, according to news reports. Members of an elite force within the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) assembled a military parade. That was the first time the Making fun of Mencho was his death sentence; La Cholita, El Pirata de Culiacn and Cholo Flechas thus mocked the leader of the CJNG "I already realized that you are with the CJNG": La Vaca, the narco who broke with Mencho, threatens Mexican authorities ; Videos: "War is coming", the CJNG threatens hitmen who betrayed Mencho El 03. Ocho empresas mexicanas fueron sealadas por la Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos (OFAC, por sus siglas en ingls) como parte de un esquema de extorsin del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG ), con el cual se vendan supuestos tiempos compartidos a ciudadanos . and then, that animal Omar Hamid Garcia Harfuchwonder if he is cousin of genarco Garcia luna (AFI, CISEN) and Javier Garca paniagua DFS. CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly . Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro addressed the attacks Wednesday and said no one was hurt during the shootouts. alias "El 03 lder de la clula de Jalisco en Michoacn, Guanajuato y Zacatecas y "El Doble R", lugarteniente en Michoacn. CJNG would be nothing without Cuinis . Tell me why we smashed some so called zetas in prison (texas department of corrections) they ain't shit without their guns so stfu man Scottish zeta never gets old, unlike 006 on the other hand. 03-03-2023. Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo . 4. Good way to get all eyes on them . Oh ok. Dont forget to eat your Wheaties when u wake up. Farfan got the drugs from CJNG members in Michoacn, a western state . . Abouzaid El Bayeh, who remains a fugitive from these charges, maintains a close relationship with senior leaders of CJNG. Im sure the US is helping track him down but he seems to be one step ahead. Local authorities and media are reporting multiple road blockades, burning vehicles, and shootouts between Mexican security forces and unspecified criminal elements in various parts of the Guadalajara metropolitan area, the consulate said. This character is allegedly emerging as the successor of "El Mencho", as there is evidence that the recent acts of violence that have occurred in the region have been ordered directly by him. Cartel life in Mexico is a no win situation. Momento del tiroteo sobre paseo Puerta de Hierro, en Zapopan, Estado de Jalisco, el 2 de octubre de 2022. Carteles de la droga mexicanos se infiltran en crceles de Ecuador, controladas por el crimen. Lock Menchito"; "El 03" and "El Double R". 02/03/2023 - 09:49. You believe what you are supposed to believe! El 03 creci criminalmente al amparo del lder principal del CJNG. In June 2021, a confrontation between the two organizations took place in Zacatecas, leaving 18 dead. It was reported on at least all major/mainstream news networks in the US. It's a myth they can read license plates. group by reporting on impending operations. He aint from Durango hes from Sonora ! @3:14 What happened to Martin Beltran Coronel (El Aguila)? Just another disposable PRI proxy group. Los arrestos se habran producido durante una operacin de cateo en los municipios de Zapopan y Guadalajara, Jalisco, por parte de la Fiscala General de la Repblica (FGR), a travs de la Fiscala Especializada en Materia de Delincuencia Organizada (FEMDO), y con el apoyo de elementos de la Secretara de Marina Armada de Mxico (SEMAR). opposing criminal cells.". isn't that cuinis in michoacan? 7:21 Osama Bin Laden was CIA, in Yugoslavia, when the war of secession between Bosnia and Croatia for stealing them away from Russia like Ukrainia, right after the Sochi games, Osama was fighting for the moslems there, came to hate the US because he felt abandoned. And dont say cds didnt support cjng because the mantas left in boca del rio veracruz ves signed by GN and CJNG. Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo ., Under Secretary Brian Nelson (@UnderSecTFI) March 2, 2023. They are dependent on American trade and their loans because the govt officials steal all the other money the govt has in it's coffers. Al comps del rugido de metralletas, un grupo de unos 80 sicarios del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin vestidos con equipo militar y camionetas blindadas hicieron el pasado fin de semana una demostracin de fuerza al Estado, a travs de un video. The arrest of Ruiz would be one of the biggest hits to date against the CJNG by Mexican authorities. Only way it would blow my mind is if it was Molcas son or maybe Chango Mendez. Other individuals could face up to 10 years in prison and fines pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code for criminal violations of the Kingpin Act. poor fella was just used by the other idiots y ay estan de lambe huevos ustedes .. el chanito es de Sinaloa no? Expect this character (El 3) to betray Mencho in the future for full control. El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) estableci modelos de negocios ilegales como una fuente de ingresos que usa en . Desde la penitenciara "El Hongo", en Tecate Baja California, donde contina en . It would be this armed wing that has led the bloody war against Please help by moving some material from it into the body of the article. You guys are hilarious with your wild imagination hahaha, Go Sicario GOOOOO!!! Revealed on his Arrestan a hombre por intentar introducir explosivos en un avin en EU 01/03/2023 . Rumors have Mexicans training to use Blackhawk helicopters at night with flares. Specifically, Abouzaid El Bayeh was charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it will be imported into the United States. police officers from Villagrn, in Guanajuato. said in a security meeting Wednesday morning. Se meten a jalisco a haser business nos metemos a culiacan a haser bussiness, pero una ves que tengan un buen mapa de culiacan va a ser muy tarde para cds! The U.S. consulate in Guadalajara issued a warning asking people to seek secure shelter and notify friends and family of their safety. Where can I find a high resolution picture of the sedena analyzes picture where it shows the trucks. El Ejrcito mexicano ha dado un golpe al Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG . murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary, A Cartel Firefight Just Turned a US-Mexico Border Town Into a War Zone. Meantime I'm in culiacan like a lechero.. Blah, Blah, Blah. The groups that appear in the Marro". Even mayo zambada who has not been touched is paying a high price for his protection and his sons are locked up. In 2019 the group also participated in an attack against the Villagrn municipal police in Guanajuato, where three deaths, one wounded and four kidnapped . I said it before. "El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin es una organizacin violenta con sede en Mxico, responsable del trfico de una proporcin significativa del fentanilo y otras drogas mortales que ingresan a Estados Unidos", seal entonces el Departamento del Tesoro. I wrote a comment similar to this like 8 months ago. Action Coordinated with the Government of Mexico. This industry has been tool of the state to generate revenue for them and keep those who might rebel into a state of fear and submission. In another clip, alleged narcos yelled we are people of El Mencholeader of the CJNGand set a convenience store on fire with several civilians inside. Get them all, and of course be safe, Lol!!! El Millonario tiene una dura prueba ante el Granate para intentar subirse a lo ms alto de la tabla de posiciones. Paradela marc el, por ahora, nico tanto del encuentro. La nota tambin indicaba que a estos sospechosos se les requisaron cargadores y cartuchos para arma de fuego, telfonos celulares, una bolsa con hierba verde seca con caractersticas propias de la marihuana, ampolletas, cajas de clonazepam, dispositivos de almacenamiento y objetos diversos. El Crtel de Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) es un grupo delictivo mexicano dedicado al narcotrfico y trfico de armas.La organizacin fue creada en 2007 como un brazo armado, bajo el nombre de Los Mata Zetas.El grupo se independiz en 2010 y se dio a conocer a partir de septiembre de 2011, siendo liderado por Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes El Mencho. Antonio Oseguera Cervantes, hermano de 'El Mencho', era el encargado de la compra de armas para el CJNG; fue detenido el 4 de diciembre del 2015 en Tlajomulco de Ziga. Por El Debate. According to local media reports from Michoacn, a man identified as "El 3" or "JPL" , is the commander of the criminal organization that leads the battle for Michoacn Square. Under his father, he allegedly worked as second in command of the CJNG and directed the international drug trafficking operations. It is another victory for Jalisco New Generation Cartel in it's war with Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. 02/03/2023 03:51. A video allegedly showing El Cholo surrounded by CJNG captors was uploaded ahead of the mutilated body's discovery Credit: YouTube. The U.S. Department of States Narcotics Rewards Program has issued a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes. Televisa ESPN Premium, El camino a las competencias internacionales y la lucha por el descenso se pondrn en juego con cuatro compromisos, El representante de Morena ante el INE public una foto con el consejero presidente aos atrs, Morena, era una mascota cariosa y afable, pero fue vctima de una venganza vecinal en el destino playero, Los tentculos del CJNG en Oregn destapados por un agente encubierto, Quines son los miembros del CJNG sealados por EEUU que operan en Puerto Vallarta, Cmo operan las estafas y fraudes del CJNG en Puerto Vallarta y Guadalajara. Sedena clarified that so far OR one of them wanted the attention and made fake corridos while the other prefers to stay in the shadows , CJNG been around for years and Valencias for decades Im sure theres stories of Nacho Wanting to break away from CDS with los Valencias go make something bigger then CDS and this is the aftermath chapo snitched got Nancho killed and CJNG broke away from CDS, CJNG is not a "cartel" they're just criminal/gang cells under a franchise brand like zetas did before to expand so quickly.S, 5 years ? 11:46 aguevo! Mexican authorities have not yet confirmed the apprehension of Ruiz, but said there were 14 men arrested during the shootouts, all alleged members of CJNG. to data from the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena). A lot of people I know IRL have been talking about the video. El doble R has a corrido adriel favela sings it, bur unlike the cds corridos his song is not exagerated, its called sigo con lo mio, i thought favela only sang for cds, i mean he is from durango. 05/03/2022 - 11:32 am + Artculos relacionados . Omg that name had me rolling. people linked to the attack. El Menchito is a former drug trafficker, high-ranking leader of the Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generacin (CJNG). You know nothing about Durango, Durango is control by people from Durango working with Sinaloa people but don't get it twisted even if Sinaloa's people get out of hand they get dealt with just look at at happened to los M's. El lder de La Familia Michoacana habra sido capturado por sicarios e incluso habra un video de lo que el CJNG le hizo. According to these reports, "El 3" directs the heads of the area to try to gain control of the area in which the cartel of" La Familia Michoacana "predominates. Quin es Juan Carlos Gonzlez el 03? Notice the word "mostly". El Millonario tiene una dura prueba ante el Granate para intentar subirse a lo ms alto de la tabla de posiciones. The alleged capture of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel commander Ricardo Ruiz aka "Doble R" or "The YouTuber" resulted in a massive firefight in Guadalajara. Televisa ESPN Premium, El camino a las competencias internacionales y la lucha por el descenso se pondrn en juego con cuatro compromisos, El representante de Morena ante el INE public una foto con el consejero presidente aos atrs, Morena, era una mascota cariosa y afable, pero fue vctima de una venganza vecinal en el destino playero, Los tentculos del CJNG en Oregn destapados por un agente encubierto, Quines son los miembros del CJNG sealados por EEUU que operan en Puerto Vallarta, Cmo operan las estafas y fraudes del CJNG en Puerto Vallarta y Guadalajara. The Alegres song surprised me since 3 members of the group are related to the guzmans, the singers being from San Jose del Barranco and chapos being from La Tuna (neighboring ranchos ). The big bosses always where Luis Valencia Valencia, Armando Valencia conerlio, Abigail Gonzalez Valencia and El Mencho. The leader in Jalisco is Ricardo Ruiz Velazco, 'El Doble R'. The so-called "Elite And here we are 30 years Later and still with cartels and gangs in the USA. If you think Sinaloa was the only Cartel with strong ties to politicians you don't know the history of Mexico and your info comes from watching Narcos! Las otras compaas involucradas son Corporativo Title I, Corporativo TS Business Inc y TS Business Corporativo, localizadas al oeste de Guadalajara. The picture were mencho hold on one arm a rooster and the other a little boy that people think is mechito its actually el 3 Michoacano. RR.SS. Those snitchaloas slap their woman just for looking at other guys but get slapped around by Michoacan alphas. Previously, in October 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice identified Abouzaid El Bayeh as being linked to CJNG and unsealed a federal drug trafficking indictment filed against him in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that was investigated by the DEA Los Angeles Field Division. He is the son of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes (aka "El Mencho"), one of the most wanted men in Mexico. Juan Carlos Gonzlez estara disputndose el mximo puesto de la organizacin con Jos Luis Mendoza Crdenas, alias La Garra,responsable de los manejos del CJNG en Estados Unidos. Los hombres de Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes El Mencho tenan el objetivo, segn ha explicado el secretario de la Defensa Nacional, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, de amedrentar a sus rivales en Guanajuato, principalmente al Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima, liderado por Jos Antonio Ypez Ortiz, alias El Marro, el da de su cumpleaos. The videos usually feature several armed men dressed in tactical uniforms with the cartel initials CJNG stamped on their bulletproof vests. CJNG Overview. Gonzalez - aka El 03 - has created two elite military units, El RR and El Grupo Delta, which are battling for territory in central Mexico with rival cartels. That was good 6. Just ask Mayo Zambada, hes said it multiple times that he feels he works for the government not the other way around. was identified by the PGR as, "El Sobrino" was Has anyone seen the wedding invitations? July 11, 2022, 8:47am. Snchez was once a top lieutenant in the CJNG, but split to form his own cartel called La Nueva Plaza in 2017. that the presence of elements of Public Security will be strengthened to cell was linked, is the murder of. CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics . Qu es el fentanilo, la droga que alimenta la epidemia de sobredosis en EE.UU.. El Jardinero del CJNG por el que EU ofrece 5 millones de dlares Por trfico de drogas, EU acusa a Tony Montana, hermano de El Mencho A travs de un comunicado, la directora de la OFAC, Andrea . The six detainees were identified recibi una llamada de un sujeto que se identific como comandante del CJNG en 2019. Grupo Elite was founded in 2018 by American satellites that can read a license plate know where those trucks came from and where they went! Noticias PV (@noticiaspv) April . Todays Kingpin Act designation marks OFACs twelfth action against CJNG, which was designated on April 8, 2015, along with its leader, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes (a.k.a. Thank you! Such as the case with Flechas MZ, an associated organization that has the strength, power, money, and firepower to defeat the CJNG in the region. I have sent to the troopa del inferno and the cdn by fed ex a case of the finest Scottish whiskey hand crafted in the highlands by me personally to boost the morale of the cdn and troopa del inferno to give some courage to our troops for this upcoming battle of the ages cdn vs cjng i intend to raise a glass with you el senor huevo Trevino ATTE SCOTTISH ZETA. He is Mencho's godson from a fallen best friend/compadre. Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga, alias el Pez, presunto lder del Crtel de . Criminal fines for corporations may reach $10 million. dijo . You got it going Scottish zeta, BUT you can't come in comparison to the hand shakes recieved by Sicario 007 From Los senior's de Sinaloa (Azul, Zambada y Guzman). More like 10. Compartir en . This must be the dumbest shit CJNG has ever done. suffered an attack that he survived. Editor's Note: In a new series, Vanda Felbab-Brown outlines the way Mexico's two largest cartels the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva -Generacin (CJNG) as well as smaller criminal . Its pathetic to read y'all comments and el pirata only talked shit when he was drunk and coked up. Paradela marc el, por ahora, nico tanto del encuentro. Todas las noticias sobre Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin publicadas en EL PAS. 100% in agreement Durango es de los Duranguenses Puro Numeros! where three deaths, one wounded and four kidnapped were reported. Amazing article. I see people talking about CJNG not being able to step into Sinaloa but people I know in Culiacan have said that there already there making moves slowly. El texto seala, adems, que los arrestos son el resultado de una investigacin que comenz el 29 de marzo de 2019, luego de que la polica recibi una denuncia annima sobre personas pertenecientes a un grupo criminal, supuestamente involucrados en el trfico de armas de fuego en los estados de Colima, Jalisco y la Ciudad de Mxico. A few plazas thanks to cds who gave them to cjng or cjng took them.. nobody hates on your favorite cartel cds bro, the are a thing of bgg the past. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. I never know the slang so I just go with the literal after researching and finding nothing. OFAC designated Abouzaid El Bayeh for his high-level role in facilitating drug shipments and money laundering for the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG), a violent Mexican drug trafficking organization that is responsible for trafficking a significant proportion of the fentanyl and other deadly drugs that enter the United States. The knives stabbed into the corpse fixed boards with messages to the body, one of which read "the traitor" in Spanish, Vice reports. I wonder HOW a CARTEL that is in their peak such AS cjng will react to the GOV GOING sticky for them instead of their enemy CDS.. WILL be interesting to SEE. It was an exhibition of the been involved in various violent acts, including the murder of three municipal De acuerdo con el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, estos narcotraficantes son de los ms violentos del crtel de Nemesio Oseguera, alias el Mencho. El Azul, 'The Blue' - is behind the vicious murder of Mayor Jesus Tinajero. During the morning conference on Con dos de sus hijos en prisiones estadounidenses, las autoridades apuntan que El Mencho podra estar preparando a El 03 como su prximo sucesor. prevent violence in the areas where the CJNG maintains disputes with "El Not exactly folding like a cheap suit. I can't believe people actually larp on BB, but I understand they're just trying to make light of terrifying and demoralizing situations. Techocho if u supposedly know who his dad is what do they call El 3? As a consequence of a shootout between the Mexican army and members of organized crime, several vehicles were set on fire trying to stop security corporations from entering the area, Alfaro said on Twitter. An official website of the United States government. Remember when Chapos goons kidnapped Menchito in prison and Mencho folded like a cheap suit? Those vehicles, painted camo, would never stand out on Mexican roadways. Notorious Mexico cartel leader El Azul has been arrested. I believe that previous admin's have been corrupt, all the way up to the president, himself.AMLO, though, is a pacifist and I do not see corruption in his plan. 02/03/2023 - 09:04 por Israel Campos Montes. El gobernador Cuitlhuac Garca dijo que el video fue un montaje del CJNG para desacreditar a su gobierno. The reason they have them cause u cant hear them like regular helicopters that give notice and they flee, In Zac this so called grupo alite isn't doing much progress at all against cdn nor cds, Are you the one who said cjng would never enter zacatecas? El Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos menciona qu empresas fueron las que sancion el 23 de febrero por ser vinculadas al Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), adems de ser sealadas por cometer estafas y fraudes en contra de ciudadanos americanos, en Puerto Vallarta y Guadalajara.. El Departamento del Tesoro afirm que . Guadalajara, Jal., La Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros (OFAC, por sus siglas en ingls) de Estados Unidos, tiene aos fichando negocios de todo tipo ligados al crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) para sancionarlos, como ocurri apenas el 2 de marzo con ocho empresas asentadas en Puerto Vallarta y Guadalajara que, segn inform, defraudan a ciudadanos de ese pas con negocios .
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